
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Felt Flower Barrettes

I am addicted to making felt flowers these days.  Seriously, there needs to be rehab for this kind of addiction.  I stumbled upon this gorgeous wreath made by Megan of Homemade Ginger that features her felt flowers.

Felt Flower Yarn Wreath (Homemade Ginger)

Isn't it lovely?  And what a lovely door it rests on!  (Yeah, I noticed the door.  I'm a nerd.)

Megan also made adorable felt flower barrettes for her little gals, and I thought I'd give it a go, too!   You can find her simple felt flower tutorial here.

This is an inexpensive craft that does not require a bajillion special tools.  Just scissors, hot glue, felt and something to attach the flowers to.  You probably already have all the supplies needed to make these little embellishments.

Felt flower supplies

I used the flowers on bar barrettes because I already had them in my crafty arsenal.  Bags of barrettes are very inexpensive at craft stores.  I made different sized flowers and played around with the arrangement on the barrettes.

Felt Flower Barettes

My favorite was the red one with several small flowers across it.  I really liked how it turned out.

These barrettes are for my nieces, but I also made some for Junebug on a different type of hair clip.  I made the holly one specifically for Christmas (obviously!).

The holly is my favorite of the barrettes I made for Junebug.  I used teeny flowers (the starting felt circle size was a bit larger than a quarter, for reference) and free-cut a holly leaf shape and used embroidery floss to add some detail.

Felt is one of my favorite crafting mediums because it's colorful, inexpensive, doesn't fray, and can be used in an array of projects.  All of the felt I buy is made from recycled bottles and made in the good ol' USA.  Now that makes for some awesome crafting!

Thanks Megan for such a great felt-flower tutorial.  I can't wait to make more!

Tristin Signature

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Thought I'd follow Sharon's lead with her wonderful SCARVES! post and share a few of the scarves that I crocheted over the last month.  I made tons of scarves for gift-giving this holiday season, and am now looking forward to making a few things for myself! 

My absolute hands-down favorite scarves are these scalloped edge scarves.  Sharon made some and I followed suit because, well, they're awesome!  The inspiration came from this free pattern.

Scalloped Edge Scarves

Scalloped Edge Scarves 2

The shell pattern I used for the edges was as follows:
1 sc *skip 1 st, 5dc into next st, skip 1st, 1sc into next st; rep from * to end.

I couldn't be happier with how they turned out!

I made some twirly scarves for my nieces (ages 7 and 9) that I think they'll be delighted with.  They're skinny and swirly and are made in the girls' respective favorite colors.
Twirly Scarves

Twirly Scarves 2

These were super-simple to crochet.  After reading numerous patterns on how to make swirly scarves, I just made up my own preferred way.  I made a chain of how long I wanted the scarves to be (140 + 3 to count as first dc since they're still gals; I would probably do 200 + 3 for a grown woman) and double crocheted the length of the chain.  For the next row chain three as first dc, and 1dc in same st, then 2dc in each st all the way down the length of the scarf.  Same pattern repeats for each additional row you choose to do.  Hope that made sense.  I did only 3 rows of dc for each of these scarves since they're more of an accessory than they are for keeping your neck warm.

A wonderful beginner scarf is the Mesh Scarf on the Michon Jewelry Blog.  I made it in gray for my sister-in-law and she loved it!  Here it is being tested out on yours truly.  I cropped myself out of the picture since I wasn't wearing make-up and I have horrible skin.  I looked SO gorgeous that I didn't want to make anyone feel inferior and therefore cropped myself out of the photo.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Mesh Chain Scarf

So, have you been making scarves? 

Better yet, have you been wearing scarves??  As I write this, it's 39 degrees here on the Space Coast of Florida.  You better believe I've been wearing scarves!
Tristin Signature

Monday, December 27, 2010


I wanted the title to be catchy. Hope I didn't scare anyone.

thick wool crocheted scarf

Isn't this thick wool crocheted scarf fabulous? It's fashionable, but also quick and easy to make! I got the pattern from Prudent Baby. The hook I used was a size N (9mm), but they say gauge doesn't really matter. I worked with thick wool yarn, but you can also use regular yarn and double it up to make it thicker.

crocheted scarfs

I also made other scarves! The striped one on the far left is one I made for the hubby. It's very masculine, and vertical striped scarves are very "in" right now. Plus, it's super easy to whip up - another beginner scarf. I'm also going to add long tassels to the ends... I just haven't gotten around to doing it. Apologies!

To make this scarf, start by chaining how long you want the scarf to be. Then, alternate between rows of single crochet stitches and rows of double crochet stitches while also varying up the color of yarn. Do your rows down the length of the scarf to get the vertical stripes. NOTE: Remember that when you are turning at the end of your rows - if you are creating a row of double crochet stitches, you must chain three and then start double crocheting in the fourth stitch from the hook/end. This counts as your first double crochet for that row. I hope that's not too confusing!

crocheted scalloped flower scarf

The other two scarves are the same. They are simply three long rows of double crochet down the length of the scarf. This means you do one row of single crochet (about 203 stitches), and then you turn, double crochet in fourth chain from hook and double crochet down the row. When you get to the end, turn, chain 3 (this is your first double crochet), and then double crochet in each stitch down the length of the scarf. Turn and repeat directions for the last row one more time. Lastly, you "scallop" the edges using a shell technique. Apparently there are different ways to shell, so choose whichever one you like best!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Linky Love

Merry Christmas! We hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas day and holiday season. This is without a doubt my favorite holiday - traditions.. sitting by the fire with family... the aroma of cinnamon and pine trees in the air... opening presents at the crack of dawn (or 11:00 AM if you're like my family and don't wake up at the crack of dawn. Even for presents. What the heck is wrong with my family??)

Anyways - today is linky love post day, so you know the drill.

felt finger puppets

This project is absolutely precious! They are finger puppets made from coin wrapper rolls with wooden doll heads and decorated with felt and pipe cleaners. What a fun idea! Great project to do with the kids or for the kids. I found these on Urban Comfort.

These felt pinecones are to die for! I wish I had seen these earlier so that I could make tons of them and place them all over our place. Made by Urban Comfort and featured in Family Circle -- find the tutorial and pattern here.

These are also made out of felt and ALSO by Urban Comfort, but I just had to share them with you guys! They are so modern and colorful. I already made us some stockings, but I may just have to make these too!

This pom pom snowman ornament by Homework is easy to make and the perfect gentleman. I would call him precious, but I use that word way too much. And yes, you bet I'm making some.

It's Toile Good created this ingenious way to package small Christmas gifts. Too bad it's Christmas day and hopefully you're unwrapping presents, but this idea can transcend into small birthday presents, party favors, or gift labels for year-round presents. Plus, I love cute bird shapes.

I am going to make lots and lots of these. LOTS. Rosettes and jewelry.. now that's my kind of ornament. Tutorial by Spunky Junky.

Hope you're inspired! We know it's Christmas day, but hopefully you'll still do some of these crafts before the holidays end or maybe you'll save them for next year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

More Crocheted Stockings

Didn't you just love Sharon's Granny Square Stockings?  I absolutely adore them and wish I had a reason to make them, but we already have crocheted stockings in our family.

Twenty-some years ago, my mom crocheted this awesome Santa stocking for me.

Tristin Crochet Stocking

It has survived moves all across the globe and the country and still looks like it's new.  I have always loved the stretchy nature of my stocking because it is capable of holding so many goodies!  And waking up to feel the bumps and bulges in my stocking on Christmas morning is a memory I hold vividly in my mind.

Last year, we were blessed with our sweet Junebug and my mom, still having the original pattern, crocheted a fabulous stocking for our new little one.

Elliott Crochet Stocking

Yeah, Junebug's real name is Elliott.  Isn't the Christmas tree gorgeous?  It is embellished with beads and a crystal button at the top.  I love that it already looks vintage since it's made from a "vintage" pattern.  It's such a keepsake and I look forward to stuffing this little stocking for years to come. 

Elliott Crochet Stocking Details

You just can't get stockings like these in a store!

Tristin Signature

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crafty gifts for the man I love

If you're the man I love, please, stop reading right now.  You know who you are.  ; )

I'm leaving spaces so he won't see any images on his browser.  If you're not him then just scroll down a bit.  Thanks!

{Don't Peek!}

{Don't Peek!}

{Don't Peek!}

{Don't Peek!}

{Don't Peek!}

{Don't Peek!}

{Don't Peek!}

Ok, I think he's gone.  Now ladies, how many of you out there have problems coming up with something to "make" for the special man in your life?  Yeah, me too.

My husband is not a beanie wearer, so making him a fabulous hat like Sharon did for her husband is a lost cause.  Scarves?  Nah, he'd never wear 'em. 

So, what to do?  I thought I'd make a T-Shirt for him.  But of what?  Well, he hates strongly dislikes Mac.  I mean, he's an I.T. guy so he's entitled to this opinion.  Maybe you're offended.  Well, don't be.  I couldn't care less about the computer you use--but he does because he's the one who helps people with computer problems.  I came up with a great T-Shirt for my Mac-hatin' husband.

I Hate MAc Shirt Complete

It's the I Hate Mac T-Shirt.  Think he'll like it? 

I used the freezer-paper stencil technique I've been preaching about.  Seriously, it's so simple and so satisfying!  I did a google image search for the Mac logo, and another search for the famous "NO" circle. 

I Hate Mac Shirt Supplies

If you're a Mac fan, well, simply leave off the "NO" circle.  It's that easy. 

That T-Shirt cost about $3 to create.  What?!  He'll appreciate that, too!

I also made him a hacky-sack for his stocking using this pattern.  It was really simple, even for a new crochet-er like me.
Crocheted Hacky Sack

I used Deborah Norville's Serenity Garden Yarn in Earth, and used a size D crochet hook borrowed from my momma.  Altogether, I'd say it took about 2 hours to figure out and create.  I filled it with dried black-eyed peas 'cause that's what I had.

I know he'll appreciate the nostalgic nature of the hacky sack. 

So, what have you made for the men on your list?  (And if you've only bought things, don't feel guilty.  I did some of that, too!)
Tristin Signature

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Granny Square Stocking

Ok, so I might have stolen this idea from the creative minds at Prudent Baby. But when I first laid eyes on the adorableness that is their crocheted granny square stockings, I knew I had to make them. :) You can find their full tutorial here.

I didn't stray from their design hardly at all. (Jeez, how lame am I? Do people still say "jeez"?) I even used traditional Christmas greens like they did, but now looking back, I wish I had tried something out of the ordinary like a brilliantly bright turquoise and a bold red. Darn you, hindsight. Some of the differences I did make were that I rounded out the "heel" and "toe" parts of the stocking to make them look more stocking-like. I also brushed out the pom poms with a bristle brush to make them fluffy and full. The word on the street is that wire brushes work the best for this. I don't have a wire brush, so there.

Your cozy homemade stocking is ready for those coals stocking stuffers!


Monday, December 20, 2010

"Root"olph the Red-Nosed Rein"Beer"

I wish I could say that this super-simple craft was my bright idea, but that would be a lie.  I did, however, come up with the clever name "Root"olph the Red-Nosed Rein"Beer".  I crack myself up!

Roiot Beer Reindeer

The idea came from Fingerprints on the Fridge.  Maybe it's a little juvenile, but precious too, right?  It would be even better if Root Beer came in 8-packs, you know, since there are 8 reindeer??  Whatever though.  A half-dozen works.

The best part is the short supply list. Here's all you need:

Root Beer Reindeer

When Junebug gets older, I think I'll have her make this craft for teachers and friends.  Totally kid-friendly, huh?  She thinks they're pretty cool and she's never even had soda in her whole life (nor will she for a few more years).

Junebug meets Root Beer Reindeer

So, Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you make my husband smile tonight?

As for me, I'm off to clean like a madwoman so I don't feel so guilty for crafting.  Tristin Signature

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas patterned paper wreath

You're probably tired of the patterned paper wreath, but we just wanted to remind you that you can reuse your wreath form and make it seasonal with Christmas or winter-y patterned paper.


Here's one we did in traditional Christmas colors.

Winter-y Patterned Paper Wreath

Check out Tristin's wreath that she re-did in winter-y blues and whites.

Now go make a seasonal patterned paper wreath because you can finish that Christmas shopping later!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Linky Love: Winter Wonderland Edition

Amidst all of the holiday hullabaloo, Winter often is not celebrated to its full potential.  I know it's Christmastime and all, but let's give Winter some respect, huh?  Winter is upon us in just a few days, so here are a few ways you can pay homage to the season.


Once you pack away all those ornaments, you can still adorn your home with some lovely and inexpensive snowflakes.  A friend of mine and Sharon's, Amber, shows how to make snowflakes like a pro.  (I can't wait to give these a try!)

Pinwheel Snowflakes

These paper pinwheels by Vintage Wanna Bee are a fun take on snowflakes, too.  

T-Shirt Pompom Garland

This Pompom garland by Green-eyed Monster is made from old t-shirts!  Umm, can we say awesome??  Looks like fluffy snowballs and smells like fresh laundry.  Ahh. 

Walnut Wreath

Never have I appreciated walnuts as much as I do on this Walnut Wreath by Blue Cricket Designs.  My husband may cringe, but a wreath like this may soon appear on our front door!

Silver Ball Wreath

I love the *bling* on this Berry Beady Wreath over at Joy is at Home.  I think it would look especially good at Sharon's place.  Wadda ya think, Sharon?

Winter-y Patterned Paper Wreath

And, for some shameless self-promotion... Why not make the Two Girls Being Crafty patterned paper wreath with some winter-y paper like I did?  Shoot.  You'd be a fool not to.

Snowflake Coasters

These snowflake coasters are a fun accent to brighten your day and keep pesky water-rings off of your furniture.

Donut Snowman

Ok, ok.  I could NOT resist sharing these Powdered Sugar Donut Snowmen by the Idea Room.  Maybe you're a baker—maybe you're not.  Whatever.  These little guys are super-impressive for the amount of effort they take.  Santa may go back to the North Pole on December 25th, but Frosty can grace your presence until the Spring thaw.  Not to mention, those little powdery donuts are hands-down some of the best food you can get at a gas station. 

Hope you're inspired to celebrate winter this year!
Tristin Signature
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