
Ain't she a hoot?

Ain't ain't a word so I ain't gonna say it.  Seriously though, I write it but never say it.  Weird, right?

Any-whoo (that's owl humor), Sharon and I have friends who are expecting, and they're calling the baby "little hoot" while it's tucked away in the safety of momma's womb.  To honor our friend, I made a "little hoot" brooch for the momma-to-be with this tutorial from Bugs and Fishes

Owl Brooch
Ain't she a hoot?

I used buttons instead of felt for the eyes because I'm a rebel and I like to mix up textures. 

Aren't there so many fun and simple crafts out there in the bloggy world?  I could surf craft blogs ALL DAY!
Tristin Signature


  1. I did not know how elese to contact you..
    I was just dropping by to let you know that I was honored in receiving the stylish blog award, and now I am passing it on to you. You have provided me with great inspiration for which I am very appreciative. So to honor you I am giving you this award. I hope that you enjoy it….please head on over to my blog where you have been specially named for this award. Thanks so much for sharing your great talent.

  2. Congrats on the Prudent Baby Guest Post!!! Way to go - so proud of you!

  3. It is very precious! I took a pic of it too and put it in my "little hoot" photo album on facebook :-)

  4. Cute! I also like your felt heart garland and decided to follow you!


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