
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

It seems as though every baby gift I have bought or made since Junebug was born has been for a little boy.  I mean, boys are great and all but it sure is nice to craft and shop for little girls!  Just when I was growing tired of little boys, my Uncle and his wife welcomed a sweet baby girl (named Sharon--how 'bout that Sharon?!) into the family.

For the latest bundle of joy I made a cute little hat and later picked an outfit to match it (thanks Target!).

P.S. Please forgive the poor photographs.  I tried to spruce them up in Picnik but even Picnik couldn't help my poor photography skills this time around.  I'm a crafter, not a photographer.  Obviously.

The hat pattern I used is the trusty Girl in Air's Happy Halloween Hat.  Works like a charm every time!

Of course, I couldn't resist the opportunity to practice my amigurumi skills so I made a cute little duck, too.  (I like to keep my hands busy while I watch Seinfeld reruns late at night.  Then I don't feel guilty and unproductive.)

Gift Basket

Perfect for a little girl!
 Tristin Signature

Monday, June 27, 2011

Nice Day for a White Wedding

Recently our church had the privilege of welcoming a new family.  They're new Christians, newlyweds, and new to our area.  What better way to welcome someone (officially) than by throwing a fun party in their honor?

This party was the doing of my mother primarily, though myself and several others from our congregation worked to contribute pieces of awesomeness that resulted in an elegant evening for all to enjoy.

I thought you'd enjoy a peek!

Porter Reception 009

Porter Reception 007

Porter Reception 027

Porter Reception 026

Porter Reception 020

Tristin Signature

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Junebug's Summer Birthday Party

As of yesterday, it's officially summer--though here in Florida we've been feeling summer for a few months.  And the air conditioning in my beautiful yet aged Volvo just went out.  Sheesh.  But that's not what I'm here to tell you about today.

I want to share Junebug's second birthday bash with you!

You probably remember from my last post that the theme was simply "Summer".  I left lots of room for interpretation and mind-changing ('cause I can be a bit fickle when it comes to choosing "themes").  And if you follow me on Pinterest then you probably have a good idea of what we did for the birthday party based on my pinboard.  So without further adieu, here's how we celebrated!

The Decor:

Birthday Flowers

Balloon Banner

Junebug Bday Party Gift Table

Junebug 2nd Bday Party Pompoms

The Food:

Junebugs Cupcakes
Looong story short (really, it's a long story) these cupcakes had to have the liners removed before serving because some of our weirdo freaky-deaky Florida ants showed up unexpectedly in my laundry room (where these lovely cupcakes were waiting) and started munching on the WRAPPERS, but not the cupcakes.  Seriously, how weird is that?  Once hubs figured out what was going on he removed all of the cupcake liners and saved the day!

Uncle Buz 2

Uncle Buz 3

Uncle Buz 6

The Birthday Gal:

Uncle Buz 5

Uncle Buz 4

I can't believe she's TWO!  Time flies.
Tristin Signature

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

She's Second to None.

My little one is about to turn two.  Two.  I still can't believe how quickly time flies when you have a child.  Two is only 1/9th of the way to 18, when she'll leave me for greener pastures.  Ok, I'm not ready to talk about that--so let's talk party!

We'll be celebrating Junebug's birthday this weekend with a small family gathering.  I opted out of paper invites this year because I'm cheap I thought an Evite would be a "greener" option.  Yeah, because I wanted to be "green". 

Here's a little peek at what our guests received in their email:

Writing things in sand is a great way to take beach pictures.  Plus, I'll always remember how old she was in that photo.  Brilliant, I am.

My mom and I spent a bit of time yesterday making tissue paper pompoms for the party--they're already fluffed and are waiting in the laundry room for the big event.  It's quite comical, really--check it out:

Pompoms in Laundry Room

I want the decor to be a surprise to Junebug on the day of her party--so I have to keep her out of the laundry room (which is tougher than it sounds).

I'm also so excited about my other party finds.  The "theme" of the party is simply "Summer".  Bright colors, sunshine, funky patterns, you know what I mean, right?

I'm so excited.  I'm using some of the same things I used for Junebug's first birthday party last year.  Last year's theme was "Watermelon" and what a fun theme it was! 

The pièce de résistance last year (that people are still talking about) was Junebug's "Watermelon Cake".  I wanted to forego the messy smashcake tradition and enjoy a slice of refreshing watermelon. Having to immediately bathe my daughter after her first cake experience while having 20+ guests at my home didn't seem appealing.  So sue me.

Here's a pic of Junebug's party last year:

The "Watermelon Cake" was a little trickier than I had initially anticipated and there were definitely a few lessons learned, but all in all it was well worth the effort.  I couldn't find any sort of instructions or tutorial for such a thing so I winged it and I'm glad I did!

Tristin Signature

P.S. Once I recover from the event, I'll be sharing some photos--so check back next week!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

How Very P(interesting): Part II

Hey friends! Like Tristin, I am going to ignore the gap in posting. I promise we're going to update you soon!

I just want to reiterate what Tristin has already said - Pinterest is amazing! And extremely addictive. I started my account last night, and since then I've been pinning everything in sight. Seriously, if you haven't already done so, you must try this! I have to admit, I was a little skeptical when I was invited to it, and I was even a little bit overwhelmed when I started my account. But just like Tristin pinky promised - I soon feel head over heels in love with it!

It's extremely user-friendly and great for people who like to be compulsively organized. You can add as many categories or "boards" as you want, and then just pin away! It's a great source of inspiration, and who doesn't like looking at pretty pictures of pretty things?? Give your bookmark folders a rest and come join us on the best website ever! I look forward to checking out your boards!

If you want to check mine out, here's the link:

Until we meet again,

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