
Monday, January 31, 2011

Patterned Paper Wreath - Remix!

Did you know that the first post Sharon and I ever worked on together was her Patterned Paper Wreath?  It was several months ago, before Two Girls Being Crafty was even a thought, and I was blogging elsewhere.  Sharon told me about a craft she was making and I asked for pictures so I could share it with my readers, and a very popular wreath was born.

Here's Sharon's awesome original wreath:

So, now I have made Sharon's Patterned Paper Wreath like three or four times...  Each time using the same wreath form but different festive papers.  Honestly, as cute as it is, I was ready to mix it up a bit.  You crafty gals know what I mean.  You can only do the same craft so many times, right?  So, here's a remix on the original. 

You'll need the same supplies as you do for the other wreath, which is:

5 or 6 12x12 sheets of scrapbook paper
Hot glue
14" wreath form
Ribbon or fabric for bow, or some other sort of embellishment

Here's the paper I chose.  If I were to do it over again, I'd do 6 pages of paper instead of just 5. 

Anyhow, cut your scrapbook paper into strips measuring 1"x4".  This means that you'll make 36 loops from each sheet of paper.

To make each loop, all you have to do is fold the paper in half (without creasing, of course) and glue the ends together.  You'll end up with a pile of loops!

Lay your wreath down on a flat surface and start gluing the loops on with the round end of the loop touching the surface.  This mimics the wreath hanging on a flat surface, so it's important to start this way if you don't want naked places on your wreath.  Go around the whole wreath gluing on your loops...

Then use the same basic method for row 2, and so on...

I crocheted an embellishment 'cause I love to crochet these days and I have lots of scraps of yarn.  You can buy a flower or make a flower, or do a bow of some sort--the possibilities are endless.  Or you really don't have to embellish at all--you can do whatever you want to do!  I made a fabric-covered button for the center of the flower to add another layer and some extra texture.  (Tristin's note: because some readers asked for it, you can learn how to make these crocheted embellishments on this post.)

Here she is, in all her glory!

If you make one, please send us a link to your site!  We'd love to check it out. 

So, what do you think about the Patterned Paper Wreath Remix?  I'm obviously already in "Spring" mode!

Tristin Signature


  1. Cute! Where did you get the pattern for the flower and leaves if you don't mind sharing. If you made it up, can you send directions????


  2. I would also LOVE to know your patterns for your lovely flower and leaves... will you post them or direct me ? pretty please ?

  3. I really need to make this wreath! Thanks!

  4. This is such a fun idea! So happy to have stumbled upon your blog!

  5. This is sooo pretty! Love the colors and the fullness of the wreath! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!

  6. I found you via One Pretty Thing. This is so super cute. I love the crocheted flower too. The perfect wreath for spring. Thanks for sharing!

  7. This is on my "to-do" list to make. I love it! I don't want to leave too many comments, but I'm currently making the swiry scarf you made for your nieces. I just picked up crocheting yesterday, so hopefully it won't turn out TOO bad. -Tonya

  8. Great idea patterned paper creates lots of texture and Ilove texture. I love how you combined forces- I know how little time you have when you have little ones! I am starting a new link party Worshop Wednesday- Hope you two linkup goobyecityhellosuburbs

  9. searching paper wreaths and this one is simple and adorable--and i love using a mix of papers!! {I happen to have the papers you used--they're my faves, too!}
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  10. What an absolutely beautiful and original wreath concept. Great colors, patterns, and overall whimsy!

  11. Hi,

    You have been featured at craftionary for your awesome wreath. :) Come check yourself and some other inspirational wreath ideas here
    Thanks for the inspiration and great job.
    You can also grab a featured button if you like! A friendly gesture is always appreciated. :)
    Have a great day!

  12. This wreath is so cute and it seems like it's probably not too hard to do. I hope it's okay, I just finished a paper crafts round-up and couldn't resist featuring your pretty paper wreath. you can see it here:

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful paper wreath :)


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