
Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Shirt for a Con Man

Isn't crafting for men the hardest?  On one of my many google adventures scouring the internet for crafts to make for men, I came across a crocheted apple-sleeve. 

What's a crocheted apple sleeve, you ask?  It's a small crocheted piece with a button that you can wrap an apple in (and I mean real apples, the kind you eat--not the computers).  Really?  Is that all we have to make for men?  Apple sleeves?  Gals, we can do MUCH better!  Remember the fabulous beanie Sharon made for her hubby?  How 'bout the "I hate Mac" shirt I made for mine?  We can do better than apple sleeves, my crafty friends! 

Whoa, what a tangeant.  Anyhow, my father-in-law's birthday came around a few weeks ago and here's what I made for him:

Yeah, it says "con-man" which is a play on words in many ways that apply to my father-in-law.  The most obvious way is that he loves Converse shoes (hence the picture). 

I make a huge mess everytime I craft.  I wish I was a neater crafter!
I used freezer-paper stenciling to create the design on the t-shirt.  Seriously, it is one of the most satisfying ways to craft.  You've gotta give it a try!   How About Orange's Tutorial is simple and straightforward-I'd highly recommend checking it out.  I used a google image search to find an image of a Converse shoe, then I used the copy feature on my printer to blow it up to a larger size.

Here's the design cut out of freezer paper with an exacto knife and ironed down onto the washed and dried t-shirt.  Once you've made the template and have ironed it down, all you have to do is sponge fabric paint over the open areas.  I always use matte fabric paint that is specifically designed for t-shirts when I do this and I think it makes a much nicer result than your run-of-the-mill fabric paint.

It is SO satisfying to pull away the freezer paper and to see such crisp and professional results.  Ahhh.  Almost as satisfying as the first bite into a hot Krispy Kreme doughnut.  Almost.

So, what have you been making for the men in your life?  Lame apple sleeves or something cooler?
Tristin Signature


  1. I tried to follow your example and crochet Joshua a hacky sack, but it was a huge fail. The sack ended up being 3 times too big. Josh did appreciate the effort, so I guess it wasn't all that bad...

  2. Papa LOVES his Con-Man t-shirt!
    He loves the crafter that made it too!

  3. Very cute Trist, great work and professional looking results. You must have REALLY enjoyed making it if you could compare the experience to a hot Krispy Kreme(even almost)!

  4. wow, I love that - Ryan would LOVE it too - he owns 5 or 6 pairs of chucks in ALL colors. I tried making him a beanie - fail. I tried making him a cycling hat - it's still a little small - I'm trying to tweak it. This sounds so much more doable. Thanks!!

  5. love this! such a fab idea & totally cool shirt too! gotta make one for the kiddo sometime...he loves his converses too! hugs!

  6. I must say the tee is fabulous and from what I read highly appreciated! I am planning to make a shirt for my little guy (aged 5) who is just in love with shirts and ties! But it's so hard finding good (and interesting for that matter)fabric for boys!

  7. I might do this. I've owned too many pairs of Converse!

  8. I have been trying to add lots of great gift ideas for men to my site, and so far I have come up with links to these:

    Hope you can find something here you like.


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