
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Birth of a Granny Square Afghan

I finished a major project folks--you have no idea how huge that is for a distracted crafter like me!  The project only took a little over a year to finish. 

Granny Square 002

It's my very first granny square afghan!  This afghan is a true representation of what the granny square is meant to be--a scrap buster.  Not one skein of yarn (other than the binding color) was purchased with this project in mind.  It's made strictly from pieces of yarn left over from other various projects and some yarn that I inherited from others.

It all started like this...

Granny Squares 013

Here are my stacks upon stacks of squares, millions of ends just waiting to be woven in.

Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE weaving ends in?  Well, I do.  Hate.  Ughh.  But one at a time, I got it done.

Here's some proof:

Crochet and Amigurumi 038

I edged all of the squares in a turquoise color (Pound of Love by Lion Brand--only $4.00 with an awesome coupon deal!).

Granny Squares 004

It seems like it took forever. 

Granny Squares 006

You know you're spending too much time crocheting when this is the only way your dog can get your attention...

Crochet and Amigurumi 041

I spent some time laying them out to evenly distribute the colors.

Crochet and Amigurumi 025

Crochet and Amigurumi 029

It came together beautifully (keeping in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder).  I realize not everyone shares my love of granny squares, bold colors, and funkiness in general.  If you leave a comment telling me how ugly this is, I will delete it so please don't waste your time.  Granny love only, please.  I know there will be some haters.  Keep it to yourself and go and comment on something you do like.  Even if it's elsewhere.  This is how you should handle all of your blog comments. Thanks. (Whoa, someone just got a little soapboxy!  Yeah, you don't want to mess with me today. Or any day for that matter.)

And here she is, in all her crazy glory:

Granny Square 005

I'm in love!


  1. You. Are. AMAZING! I LOVE your blanket! I've been scared to try a "true" granny square afghan--the idea of not planning out the color scheme ahead of time scares the pants off me--but I always love the outcome. It looks so fun, and happy, and scrappy (in a good way), and cozy. I love it, and you ought to be SO proud of yourself, that blanket is a serious accomplishment!

  2. So I'm totally a blog stalker but I had to leave a comment to say how much I love the afghan! I may have to make one for myself.

  3. I understand how much work and love went into this beautiful creation. I am just finishing making my frist granny square pillow. I didn't venture out too much, my color scheme is the same through t out. I this this is a fantastic way to use scrap yarn and will start on a multi colorful granny square

  4. I love it, bold colours and funkiness included!

  5. I have been wanting to make one of these for AGES. Now I've seen yours, I am going to have to start collecting yarns. It looks beautiful.

  6. I'm so inspired. I knew I was saving all those little scraps of yarn for something. I'm appalled that anyone would leave a comemnt saying they didnt' like your blanket. That's not using kind words or good friendship. can you tell I teach kindergarten? Love your funky blanket!

  7. I'm most struck by your comments at the end of the blog post! Do you really have that many negative comments? What has happened to people? There doesn't seem to be any morals, values or manners any longer! I suppose, that people believe they can say whatever they like if they are anonymous! I LOVE your blanket and the colors! I am working on my first granny with an F hook and light weight (3) yarn in grey and white! Baby size! I'll be forever in the making! Have a good hump day! Sheila

    1. To Sheila and Ms. Kerri-- You'd be surprised at the number of negative comments I've received lately. "That's ugly", "That's a DIY gone wrong" etc. With as much positive feedback as we receive, you'd think those comments wouldn't be bothersome but I can't help but wonder--why are people so mean? Anyhow, I was feeling a bit ranty and I know that not everyone shares my love of bright granny afghans, in fact, they're often called ugly. I just wasn't up for criticism. So I let it be known!

      And like I said, why can't those who don't like something just move on without spreading negativity? I guess they must have sad lives, and I sincerely hope that changes for them.

      Anyhow, thank YOU for the LOVE!

  8. I love it! Well done! I always bind my granny squares in white and never even thought to do a bold color. What a great idea!!

    1. I must admit that I have another granny afghan in the works and it is bound in white... and I LOVE it. The work-in-progress is not a scrap granny, so I have specifically picked colors for it and it's taking forever! ; ) I always lean toward the white bound afghans... something so fresh and clean about it.

  9. Hi, Tristin. My name is Nikki and I'm new to your blog. I love seeing all of your creations. I have just recently gotten back into crocheting and DIY crafty projects. Just bought a new home and I'm finding all sorts of things I can create via Pinterest or wherever and usually Much cheaper! Anywho...just wanted to say Hi and that I love the afghan! Definitely adding it to my to-do project list!
    Love and blessings!

    1. Hey Nikki, glad you stopped by! Isn't Pinterest just the best for inspiration? Congrats on your new home. I'm sure it will be one of a kind (as it should be!).

  10. Turquoise is my FAVORITE color - so I think your afghan is totally I'm getting excited that I have all those yarn scraps in there. do you have a pattern for your squares? the ones with the circle in the center look easy enough to figure out, but I'm not sure of the centers with a sort of plus-sign? did you just chain a few in between (looks like) 3 double crochet? thanks so much for sharing your project~!

    1. Hey there Denise--while I don't have a written pattern, you pretty much seem to have the idea of the granny-- the plus-sign shape starts with making a loop in your preferred fashion (I normally join 4 chain into a loop) and then sets of 3 double crochet with 2 chain in the corners. As your square gets larger, do one chain between each set of 3 dc, but in the corners continue to do 2 chains. (I hope that makes sense!)

      Good luck! I'm glad to know others love turquoise like I do! The Lion Brand pound of love, while not the softest, is an awesome value. ; )

  11. Nothing but Granny Love from me!!! :) It's just beautiful!! It really shows how the joining color brings together all of the other colors. I look at my scraps and think they wouldn't make for a good granny blanket but then I see how you mixed up all sorts of colors and joined it with the lovely blue and voila! It's like Granny Magic!! :) Nicely done!!!

    1. It is amazing how edging all of the squares in the same color makes it all make sense in some weird/funky way! Thanks for the love.

  12. Oooh, how inspiring! I love it and how funky it is...that's what makes it so cool! And the!

  13. LOVE your Granny. I have always had a thing for Granny squares. I think they are just aptly named. I just made my sister a GIANT rectangular granny throw. That ended up being a blanket. She loves it, I love it, and I can't wait to make more.

    And the turquoise is gorgeous. :)

  14. Hi Tristin, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  15. I think you did a great job! I know that took a long time to make! I have been seeing a lot of things made with the good old granny square in a lot of modern day decorating magazines as well as on features for daytime television shows in design segments. All I can say is: the granny square is back! Your afghan is lovely.

  16. Wow! That is gorgeous! Seriously.

    I've nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! If you'd like to check it out you can head over to my blog and give it look! I enjoy your blog! :)

  17. I love the afghan.The colors are terrific! I have been wanting to crochet one for a very long time. Now I am motivated. This is my first visit to your blog. I love it :-)

  18. Ahhh love it!!! Especially the colors you chose! =) I have a soft spot for turquoise =) and puppies falling asleep on giant balls of yarn -- how did you know? haha

  19. Hi I love this post and your website. It has been a while since I have come to look around but it looks as though you are doing well. You have such nice craft ideas and it does not take a lot out of the budget which is always good.

    Take Care,

  20. Hey Stephanie--thanks for dropping in! We're gals who aren't lucky enough to have devoted craft rooms with tons of space for all of our crafting whims and we both try to limit our spending on crafting stuff because we like to have money for other important things... like scarves, girls night out and fun earrings. Yeah, that about sums us up. ; )

  21. Hello, I came here via pinterest and just love your granny! I'm not afraid of bold colours either - take a look at my recently completed granny on my blog!

  22. I've never been a fan of the "granny" square patter, but with your fun and funky color scheme, this is absolutely gorgeousQQQ

  23. I think you did a fabulous job!! You should be very proud that you did that yourself. What a wonderful handmade treasure to pass down through generations!!

  24. Fabulous I love it. I started my blanket today I want to make four so my three gramdchildren all get one and so far, I have done one eeny meeny little square and I am hoping my blankets all look as good as yours ..... Eventually.....

  25. Beautiful!

    How cool does the chair look with Granny Sqaure Magic on it!

    K x

  26. I love it! I made one for my Mom for Mother's Day. I started working on squares for something to do while we were sitting with my Grandma in hospice in April. The chaplain said that it is something we will look at and remember my Grandma. I decided to finish it and give it to Mom. I was even crocheting at work trying to get it done on time! Love to make another one sometime, just not under such a time constraint. ;)

  27. I love it! I made one for my Mom for Mother's Day. I started working on squares for something to do while we were sitting with my Grandma in hospice in April. The chaplain said that it is something we will look at and remember my Grandma. I decided to finish it and give it to Mom. I was even crocheting at work trying to get it done on time! Love to make another one sometime, just not under such a time constraint. ;)

  28. I love this!! I'm a very beginner crochet-er and this is a goal piece for me. Now that I know a "true" granny square afghan is made from leftovers, I'll save this as a treat for getting better!! thanks!! it's gorgeous!

  29. I love your random, multi colours held together by turquoise. Random is so much more exciting to work on, as well as to look at when finished. ♥

  30. Your blanket is yarny harmony. It sings!

    Want to have a laugh? Look at the one I'm making right now! It's totally wild!


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