
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

It seems as though every baby gift I have bought or made since Junebug was born has been for a little boy.  I mean, boys are great and all but it sure is nice to craft and shop for little girls!  Just when I was growing tired of little boys, my Uncle and his wife welcomed a sweet baby girl (named Sharon--how 'bout that Sharon?!) into the family.

For the latest bundle of joy I made a cute little hat and later picked an outfit to match it (thanks Target!).

P.S. Please forgive the poor photographs.  I tried to spruce them up in Picnik but even Picnik couldn't help my poor photography skills this time around.  I'm a crafter, not a photographer.  Obviously.

The hat pattern I used is the trusty Girl in Air's Happy Halloween Hat.  Works like a charm every time!

Of course, I couldn't resist the opportunity to practice my amigurumi skills so I made a cute little duck, too.  (I like to keep my hands busy while I watch Seinfeld reruns late at night.  Then I don't feel guilty and unproductive.)

Gift Basket

Perfect for a little girl!
 Tristin Signature


  1. Hello,

    that is so so lovely....i like it very match.


  2. Super cute! I was searching Pinterest for dining room chairs and found your table...then the crochet post catch my eye..and I'm like 'oh I make hats like too' then seen myself linked! Thanks:-)

    Blogging sure is a small world:-)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I would love to have the pattern for the duck. It is soo cute!!

  4. Hi, for the past few hours I've basically trawled through every crochet post on your blog! They're so creative!

    I mostly make amigurumi and so I was scrolling quickly past this post but I couldn't help but notice that cute little duck! Ah!

    Do you possibly have the pattern of the duck you could share? Or is it on the interwebs around somewhere?


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