
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails

A few weeks ago Sharon and I attended a baby shower for one of the ladies of our congregation who was expecting a baby boy (the baby is now "out", as his big sis told me).  We had a great time eating cake and drinking punch (which Sharon may or may not have been overly enthusiastic about, but I won't tell) and watching the momma open up all those cute boy gifts. 

The mother-to-be is not in fact a "new" mom--this is baby # 3 for her, so she's practically a pro.  With that in mind, I went a more practical route in my gift-giving than I usually would.

I made two casseroles for her freezer and put them in a cheapie cooler ($2) for transport to the shower.  (FYI, people definitely take a second glance when you show up to a baby shower 30 minutes late with wet hair and a cooler in your hand.  Did you get a good visual?)  With practicality in mind, I also included a package of diapers 'cause you can never have too many!

For fun, I made a cute little tie onesie and a matching crocheted hat.  The hat was made using a free tutorial offered by Girl in Air.  The tie onesie was a result of "winging it".  I fused fabric adhesive onto the back of the tie and finished the fabric edges with Fray Check to prevent fraying (as the name implies).  Because I've been loving embroidery lately, I used a blanket stitch on the edges to finish the onesie.

Seriously guys, I want to blanket stitch everything.

I know about a bazillion other women having boys (and by "a bazillion" I mean two) so look out for more baby boy crafts to come! 
Tristin Signature


  1. Adorable onesie project - I love it! I want to make my own t-shirt like that . . . But I don't want to go to a party where a baby is wearing the same thing. Hmmm, awkward.

  2. I think you gave fabulous gifts the mother is sure to appreciate! The tie on the onesie is adorable! My son is crazy about ties and I was considering appliqueing one on his sweatshirts! This certainly stroke a key!

  3. That is super cute! Great gifts. I will be keeping this in my "to do" craft list!

  4. Did you blanket stitch by hand? (BTW, as a soon to be 3rd timer, this ENTIRE gift is 150% awesome!!!!)

  5. Oh my goodness - that little onesie could not be any cuter!! And I love the fabric you used (it's the colors of my home! I wish I had some to make into curtains or something!) and the blanket stitch too!! What an altogether perfect baby shower gift - and I say this as a mom of 5! ;)

    I'm having a great time exploring your blog - thanks for the fun ideas and inspiration! =) (I'm really thinking about making that "wall art for non-artists"!)

    Mara @ Super Savings

    fyi: I came over from a comment on Thrifty Decor Chick....l.o.v.e. her! ;)


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