
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Puff Stitch End Table Topper

One thing's for sure--my home is a hodpodge of new things, used things, handmade things, and store-bought things.  In May, I'll celebrate 10 years of marriage and I must say that my style has morphed and evolved over this past decade--and I can only imagine that the cycle will continue.  With that understanding, I really don't put a whole lot of money into a lot of the smaller pieces of furniture that I buy.  All of our end tables are thrift store finds, and as you know, thrift store finds often come with their own... character.  (Read: flaws, nicks, dents, scratches.)  

I'm grateful to buy things that have been pre-loved, because then I don't feel the pressure of perfection.  It's a nice burden to be free of.  

The table topper I crocheted (last year) covers a cute little cast-off end table that I bought at Goodwill for $13.50.  It was a Target reject (still had the Target label attached) that has one tiny flaw in the veneer on the table top.  A vase of faux flowers has covered the flaw for a few years, but last year I made a puff stitch table topper, mostly because I just LOVE little puff stitches.   

I started with these instructions as the first rounds, and just kept going--increasing appropriately, of course.  So, yeah, pretty easy, and it was made only using yarn I had on hand.  It's all Lion Brand Vanna's Choice, in case you're curious.

I'm sure I should add some more details or some funny anecdote to end this post, but it's Spring Break and my eldest just woke from a nap--so, I'm checking out! Go forth and crochet!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Insta-Update 4

1. Earlier this month, we visited my husband's family in Plant City (#1 producer of strawberries in the U.S.--check those boxes you're buying this time of the year and there's a good chance it came from Plant City, FL) and couldn't help but take in the Strawberry Festival.  Though I didn't buy the deep fried butter, just make note that fair food is possibly the unwritten 6th love language and it's my love language fo' sho'.

2. Being that we were in the strawberry capital of the U.S., I bought two flats of strawberries (for only $5 each) and "got my Laura Ingalls on" by making 24 pints of strawberry jam.  And then I crashed.

3. In a quest to keep my grocery budget under $250 a month, I've been making a habit of stretching rotisserie chickens from Sam's Club.  This chicken salad from Maybe Matilda was a winner.

4. Picked up a crochet hook for the first time in a while and made a hat.  Haven't put my hook down since. 

5. Our 8 year old Westie.  He's just so handsome I can hardly stand it.

6. We occasionally switch up Elliott's usual hairstyle (a french braid) with something more fun from our Pinterest hair board.  In other hair news, I'm also majorly itching to chop off the hair that I've been working for two years to grow.  

7.  FL weather has been PERFECT.  Not hot, not cold, slightly breezy, in other words: perfect.  Oh, how I dread the summer...but we're totally taking advantage of our current conditions.

8. We just bought a new (to us) grill and we're loving it!  My husband even has cooked breakfast on the griddle that he bought to extend the utility of the grill. 

9. The Brevard Zoo here in lovely Melbourne just opened a new Meerkat exhibit.  It was quite possibly the cutest zoo exhibit I've ever seen, and I have renewed excitement about being annual pass holders.

And that's that.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mini-Easel Art

mini easel art

This craft is from a million years ago and somehow I never shared it here!  (Can you tell I'm going through a lot of "old stuff" and bringing it out?  It's renaissance time here at Two Girls Being Crafty).

simple art tile

Isn't that dog just awesome?  I loved him immediately, in all his blue magnificence, sitting aloof in a patch of wildflowers.  I don't know why, but this little guy spoke to me and I couldn't toss him in the trash.  {Cough, hoarding tendencies, cough.}

tile art supplies

All you need for this simple craft is an inspiring photo/card/paper/clipping that you love, a 4x4 tile (16 cents at Home Depot), mod podge, spray on polyurethane sealer (optional), and a mini-easel (available in the art supply section of Jo-Ann for $1.99--but don't forget your coupons!).

Basically, I used the same method that my blogmate Sharon employed for making coasters.  Cut the image to the size that you want, coat a tile with mod podge and then affix your picture.  Once the image is where you want it, cover it all over with a layer of mod podge.  Straightforward, right?  Yeah.  We like to keep it real.

tile art mod podge

Once this is dry, you should technically use a polyurethane sealer--but it's not completely necessary if it's just going to be a decoration since Mod Podge also acts as a sealer.  If you're ever going to use it as a coaster or you're going to put it somewhere where there's moisture, like a bathroom. then you should take the two seconds to spray on a sealer.

dog easel art

These little art tiles on easels would make a great gift for office-mates who need a little cubicle decor. I'm out of the working world right now, but I still like it as a little knick-knack on my shelf.  {Update: He's long gone.  I got tired of him.  But the craft costs well under a buck, so it's totally cool to do so.  And the easel can be reused for another "can't throw away item" that you'll one day end up throwing away anyhow!}

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