
Monday, February 7, 2011

A Few Easy Decorating Tips

You may think that home decor is not exactly "crafting", but I think it is exactly that. It's taking separate objects or supplies, arranging them in an attractive way, and creating something beautiful. Isn't that what crafting is too? Today we are going to craft. But with a different medium. 

I'm no expert at interior design. What I can do is put together a few objects that I like, that compliment each other to form a pretty arrangement. I call it "layering". I'm sure there's some technique or logic to the madness, but I just do what I want to do. See? It's a lot like crafting. :)

The first layer is the backdrop. This layer often goes unnoticed and under-appreciated, but it is, in my opinion, one of the most important elements. I bought this simple wrought iron decorative piece at Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts on sale for $3! I love Jo-Ann.

Next, incorporate some lower items that also go well with each other. These different sized, yet identical frames work perfectly for this space. What? Who says you can't put picture frames in a bathroom? The general home decor rule is to use like objects in groups of three, but I think these frames hold their own. The hubs and I received these beauties at one of our wedding showers. I fell in love with them because they have a gorgeous vintage feel. I love anything with a vintage feel. Eventually we'll put pictures of us in there. Maybe in a couple of years, if we're lucky.

For the next layer, I was determined to add some color. The coloring on the frames isn't as washed out as it looks in the pictures here, but the space still needed some pop of color. Plus, the rest of our bathroom is in turquoise and a rich dark brown. I found this gem at a local thrift store for all of $2. I think it's supposed to be a vase that mimics an antique pitcher. But whatever it is - it is one of my favorite thrift store finds.

And the finishing layer, the icing on the cake - gorgey flowers. They are the piece that ties the whole thing together. They give the space so much added texture and interest. Not to mention they make our bathroom feel so elegant. And they're gorgeous. I found these interesting buds (although they are really just flattened plastic ovals) at Jo-Ann, but I have also seen them at Pier One and Hobby Lobby. 

I hope this has inspired you to finally decorate that naked corner of your house or to redo some boring end table that has held the same potpourri dish and candles since 1995.
Let's change it up a bit. 
Embark on a different kind of crafting adventure.


  1. Wow! I wish I had the eye for this. You decorate so beautifully! I'm going to check out the rest of your blog.

  2. Oh my goodness, I am in LOVE with this blog!! I am your newest follower, and cannot wait to dig into your "older posts" for fabulous ideas. :)

  3. Thank you for the play-by-play!


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