
Friday, February 11, 2011

Cute-as-a-button DIY Earrings

So, I've told you before that I'm not much of a jewelry gal, but I totally enjoy earrings.  They're usually cheap (at least the ones I buy) and they can really add a lot to your look, especially if you're a t-shirt and jeans kinda gal like me. 

I recently made these earrings after seeing similar earrings on a movie that was set in the 1940s.  You wouldn't believe how many compliments I get on these simple/retro/funky/elegant pieces of flair!

The materials are pretty simple--you'll need:

Fabric scraps (I used fabric that has round patterns and centered the pattern on the button for a cool effect)
Button covering kit in the size you like (there are several types to choose from--they all accomplish the same goal)
Earring posts
Hot glue or some other strong adhesive

Follow the instructions on the button covering kit to make a button, and use needle-nosed pliers (or your fingers) to remove the little metal piece that is meant to make the button able to be sewn onto garments.  You definitely don't need that sticking out on the back.  When choosing my fabric I used fabric that had round patterns and centered the pattern on the button for a cool effect.  It was worth the little bit of extra effort!

Glue your earring posts onto the back of your button and let it dry--and voila--earrings!

You may recognize the pattern on the green earrings--I used the scraps from my hand-stitched potholder.  Aren't those fun earrings?  They'd totally make awesome gifts.

I told someone recently they cost like 50 cents to make, but really I think it's more like a dollar per pair.  You can handle that, right?

You'll look so glamorous on your Valentine's date wearing these sassy little earrings!
Tristin Signature


  1. These really are cute as a button!

  2. But you really do have beautiful scraps of fabric! Need to look through my stash to see if I find something button-worthy, too!

  3. These are beautiful! We are featuring fabric crafts over at the M&T Spotlight this week and would love for you to submit this:

  4. These are adorable. Coming from Making Monday Marvelous. I will have to give this a try.

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  5. Dear Tristin and Sharon,

    I am writing to you from Stylelist Home, the Huffington Post's new site devoted to design and DIY. We are putting together a slideshow about fabulous homemade gift ideas and would love to use your fantastic fabric scrap earrings! We'll give full attribution and credit to you, including link-outs to your site. Would this be okay? Please let us know!



    P.S. Apologies for commenting, I could not find your email addresses. Please email me back at

  6. Love this idea, BUT my family and I have had a heck of a time removing the metal piece. You suggested needle-nose pliers, no luck. We moved on to metal cutters, still no go. We've mutilated more button backs than you can imagine. Eventually, we removed a few, but it's been very difficult. Any additional suggestions you can share would be greatly appreciated!

  7. Hey Mango Mama, you can get plastic button cover kits, they can just be nipped out easily :)


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